How It Works
Fill up on clean, healthy, great-tasting water!
The Easy-to-Use H2O To Go Dispenser

Remove the cap from the bottle, and place the bottle on the shelf.
See diagram below.

Insert ONE COIN AT A TIME, use quarters, dimes and nickels. Exact change not needed.

Press button of desired quantity. Receive change by operating the coin return lever.

Bottle Choices

Use your own bottle or purchase one of these reusable containers when you visit H2O To Go.
Bottles are often available at the same locations where you find dispensers.
Check inside the store for our bottle display.
Bottle Care
Here are few simple practices that can prolong the
life of your H2O To Go bottle while keeping them
fresh and sanitized.
Sanitize a Bottle
Pour a ½ gallon of water into
your bottle. Add to that a drop of household chlorine bleach or a
cap full of white vinegar. Use
plain bleach with no added scent.
Place the cap securely on the bottle and shake it around. Let stand for 15 seconds. Pour out, rinse thoroughly, and let air dry.

Prolong Bottle Life
When water bottles are empty the caps should be removed if bottles are exposed to high heat or direct sunlight, such as on a car seat or
in the trunk of your vehicle. Letting a bottle air dry with the cap removed also extends the life
of the bottle.
Freshen a Bottle
In your bottle mix ½ tablespoon of baking soda with ½ a gallon of
water. Place the cap securely on the bottle and shake it around. Let stand for 15 seconds. Pour out, rinse thoroughly, and let air dry.